Achieving success in insurance sales

26 Apr 2016

What does it take to become a successful insurance agent or adviser? To survive in the insurance industry takes more than raw enthusiasm for a new agent. Here are five tips to achieve sustainable success.

Client is king: You need to put your clients’ interests and priorities ahead of your own. When clients feel this, it will lead to an increase in production and clientele base as they would be comfortable providing you with quality referrals.

Be an expert: Professional and expert advice to clients will make them trust you and rely on you for every of their financial needs. Getting a licensed is just the first step. To acquire the necessary expertise, you need to constantly upgrade, update yourself with the happenings in the industry, as well as the advances in products and services offered. Always keep in mind that consultants are welcomed everywhere with open arms but pesky sales people are shunned.

Long-term commitment to your profession: Insurance is an industry where on some days your confidence will be sky high, while on the other days you will wonder if you are cut out for the industry. If you are not committed to the profession for the long run, the ups and downs will influence you in a negative way. Just as you seek a long-term commitment from your clients, make sure you are committed to servicing them for the long-term.

Money management: Jumping from a salaried job to a career where commissions are paid according to performance can be a scary thing to a lot of people. Build up reserves for expenses to avoid panic in the initial months, budget your income and expenses so you know for sure how you are performing and do not blow everything you earn in a good month, and practice what you preach by setting up a financial plan to get your finances in order. 

Attend trainings and seminars: When you are out there meeting people and facing rejections, trainings and seminars will help to keep you energised and confident, the two essential qualities for long term success. Surround yourself with like-minded people, form support groups, and seek help from mentors or seniors to learn from their experiences.


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