Page 8 - AEC Digital Edition
P. 8

Although AEC is a regional initiative, implementation is carried out by the
national economies

Though AEC is a regional initiative, implementation of AEC     with very different levels of development, have only had
commitments depends on national-level action. Initiatives      eight years since 2007 to implement all the measures
like tariff cutting, removal of non-tariff barriers, services  under the AEC. Furthermore, the 2008-09 crisis drew
sector liberalisation, national treatment of foreign           resources and attention away from the pursuit of the
investors, customs modernisation, and many others have         AEC. It should not be ignored that “successful” economic
to be adopted in domestic law and policy decisions.            cooperation takes time to happen. For example, after the
                                                               Treaty of Rome, the European Economic Community took
   These are not easy to realise, as each of the AEC actions   nearly 40 years to achieve its objective of a single market.
is not restricted to one but multiple government ministries
and agencies. For example, the ASEAN Single Window                Even after a regional integration agreement is
is a key deliverable for the organisation under AEC. But       negotiated, domestic implementation remains a bigger
prior to that, each of the ten countries need to set up their  challenge. Information about the AEC was spread only
National Single Window (NSW). Though the responsibility        after it was negotiated. Increasing awareness also poses
of the NSW resides with the national customs agency, it        additional challenges as interest groups coalesce around
has to work with a number of other government agencies,        specific issues. The emergence of organised groups
certification authorities, banks, ports and with the private   opposing the process can also slow down implementation.
                                                                  Hence, one cannot fault ASEAN as an organisation for
   This could be challenging as other agencies may             not delivering on its commitments towards the AEC. It is
not have the same sense of responsibility and vision.          also too soon to conclude that AEC will not be effective. A
For less developed ASEAN countries, there could be             better way to follow development towards the AEC is to look
bottlenecks in terms of financial assistance, Information      at its individual measures (more than 150) and relevant
and Communications Technology (ICT) systems, human             developments within member economies. Furthermore,
resources and legal environment.                               the AEC encompasses many initiatives and each one may
                                                               need different skill sets to achieve.
   ASEAN members, which include a range of countries

AEC should not be blamed for every policy change within a national economy

As the AEC deadline draws close, member economies are          WTO membership by itself is not helpful as there are 150
worried that they will soon face increased competition         other countries representing different levels of economic
and in the process vulnerable firms (mostly small and          developments, and thereby dimming hopes for quick
medium scale businesses) may be eliminated, leading            outcomes. Moreover, the concerns and objections of small
to job losses.                                                 economies like the ones in Southeast Asia are not likely
                                                               to get heard. In that scenario, ASEAN or AEC is a small
   It is very important to note that the vision for the        grouping where the member economies will consider
AEC was developed with an awareness of current global          the interests of all and may also accord flexibility for a
economic trends. Production networks (implying that            short period. Of course, this is likely to slow down the
the goods are not produced in one country, but multiple        establishment of the AEC, but advanced member countries
countries) were fast developing in a few key industries        (like Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand) are not restricted to
(electronics, automobile, textiles) and were spreading         this framework only. They have pursued bilateral Free
across Asian economies. China was becoming the “factory        Trade Agreements (FTAs) with their key trading partners,
of Asia” with its entry into the World Trade Organisation      which cover not only trade and investment liberalisation
(WTO) in 2001 and Western economies were forming               but go beyond to include issues like education and
trade blocs, namely the European Union and the North           government procurement, thereby making it much deeper
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).                         than the measures mentioned under the AEC cooperation.

   Indeed, the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis became the          Hence, AEC should not be the only cause of anxiety for
catalyst for the ten Southeast Asian countries to think        increased competition. For any single country, domestic
of a self-help mechanism that was more comprehensive           reforms and other policy changes are required to address
and ambitious than what they possessed in the 1990s (e.g.      the challenges of globalisation and there are several
the ASEAN Free Trade Area, ASEAN Investment Area and           bilateral, regional and multilateral frameworks available
ASEAN Framework Agreement of Services).                        as modes for economic cooperation.

   The ten countries of ASEAN realised quite soon that                                                                     Back to Contents
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