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SIRC is in town again and this time with a whole troupe of big names and                                   EDITORIAL
        leading lights to wow the audience
        The Singapore International Reinsurance Conference has come a long                      Asia Insurance Review
way from its humble origins in 1991 where the theme was on the Challenges of
Reinsurance in the 90s which then was about the effects of the world catastrophes            Special SIRC Commemorative Issue
(even before Andrew) and their impact on capacity with fears that there just was not     
enough to go round as run-offs were being whispered in corridors too.
                                                                                                                 ISSN 0218–2696
   Today, we gleam with no major CATs to moan about and with excess capacity in                                     Price: US$45.00
the market and the capital market players banking on reinsurance as their favoured        Publisher
stand-alone investment play happy with just a 2 to 4% return though insurers              	 Ins Communications Pte Ltd
are looking at 14% average ROE. Strikingly, reinsurers have also come to accept           	 69 Amoy Street
alternative capital – pensions and hedge funds – as the norm in the RI market though      	 Singapore 069 888
well aware that this “casual but big” money might leave when something hot and            	 Tel: (65) 6224 5583 • Fax: (65) 6224 1091
new comes along.                                                                          	 Email:

Big getting more beautiful                                                                Founder
SIRC is in town and it is interesting to note that based on Monte Carlo’s figures for     	 Mr Hwang Soo Jin
2014, there are now two Asian names in the official list of top 10 global reinsurers      	 Director, Singapore Reinsurance Corp Ltd &
– China Re and Korean Re.                                                                 	 Life President, Ins Communications Pte Ltd

   With big getting more beautiful, the concentration in reinsurance market has           Editorial Consultant
increased with the top 10 accounting for 65%. The top three – Munich, Swiss and           	 Mr Reynaldo De Dios
Hannover – took more than two thirds of the US$500 billion global reinsurance             	 Founding Editor of Insurance Asia
premiums in 2014.
   With China and India being the engines of global growth, the reinsurance scene         	 Mr Sivam Subramaniam
is shifting too. And with the ASEAN Economic Community set to be launched in     
December, there will be greater integration and economic dynamism in Southeast
Asia adding to the pull of Asia. Asia’s share of the global reinsurance market has        Editorial Team
more than doubled in just three years to almost 20% with an estimated $50 billion         	 Deputy Editor
in premiums. So is it time Asia set some lead directions and guidance for the rest        	 Mr Benjamin Ang
of the world?                                                                    
                                                                                          	 Deputy Editor, ASEAN
   At the Reinsurance Roundtable hosted by Asia Insurance Review, there was a             	 Mr Ridwan Abbas
consensus that though reinsurance is very much a global market, Asia has much    
to be proud about though there are still challenges to overcome, least of all getting     	 Journalist
clients to appreciate a technical price for risks, winning the trust of clients for the   	 Ms Dawn Sit
long term and improving the quality of data collected and underwriting results.  
Asia is standing tall.                                                                    	 Correspondent
                                                                                          	 Ms Chia Wan Fen
Managing Risks in an Uncertain World                                             
Coming back to this SIRC in town, the theme of “Managing Risks in an Uncertain
World” was specifically chosen to reinforce the unpredictability of risks and the         Business Development & Conferences
need to inject some degree of risk management and certainty in dealing with the           	 Ms Sheela Suppiah-Raj
vagaries of the risk game where despite all the odds, real risk carriers have the
answers for sustainable profits.                                                          	 Mr Koh Earn Chor
    The programme has something for everyone, even regulators on dealing with             	 Ms Alda Yeo
innovative reinsurers fairly without undue capital charges. Suddenly the worry in the
free world of reinsurance is “creeping protectionism”. The wisdom of reinsurance          	 Mr Daniel Tan
and its needs even for balance of payments will prevail when the hard times come.
 As an insurance journalist for the past 25 years, I know the CYCLE must go on in
     all its differing forms. At the 2nd SIRC in 1993 after Andrew and all, cedants       	 Mr Junaid Farid Khan
           and regulators were begging the internationals for “give us more” capacity:
              And Bermuda was born.                                                       	 Ms Vimala Vellu
                  I take this opportunity to wish you all the very best for the SIRC and
              the renewals. Make the rendezvous count!
                                                                                          Product Sales
                                 Sivam Subramaniam                                        	 Ms Sandy Chen
                                 Asia Insurance Review
                                                                                          Design & Layout
                                                                                          	 Mr Kaze Sun

                                                                                          Overseas Correspondents / Representatives
                                                                                          Australia/	 Ms Daveen Drummond
                                                                                          New Zealand
                                                                                          South Asia	 Mr Jimmy John
                                                                                          Philippines	 Mr Reynaldo De Dios

                                                                                          Hock Cheong Printing Pte Ltd
                                                                                          Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in Asia Insurance Review
                                                                                          are not necessarily those of the publisher. Publication of an
                                                                                          advertisement or a write-up does not imply that the service
                                                                                          or product is recommended by the publisher unless so stated.
                                                                                          © 2015 Ins Communications Pte Ltd
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SIRC Supplement • November 2015 •                             1
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