MSIG Asia and The RiskPoint Group have formed a strategic partnership to enhance renewable energy insurance across Asia Pacific.
The Insurance Council of New Zealand Te Kahui Inihua o Aotearoa (ICNZ) has welcomed the New Zealand government's commitment to introduce a legislation in parliament in 2025 on a climate adaptation framework. This would help prepare New Zealanders for the impact of climate change on lives, property and communities.
Economic downturns, such as recessions and stagnation, alongside the concern for the increasing frequency of weather events, natural disasters and labour and talent shortages, remain the most pressing concerns for businesses across the Asia Pacific (APAC) region over the next two years.
MSIG Asia has appointed Mr Alexander Liu as vice president. He also serves as cyber underwriter. In his new role, he will lead MSIG's efforts in advancing cyber and financial lines offerings and supporting sustainable growth across the region.
The Insurance Council of Australia (ICA) has released the third edition of its "Climate Change Roadmap", which includes member survey results showing that 85% of respondents have set net-zero targets by 2050, with 50% aiming for 2030 operational net-zero targets.
The International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) has adopted the first comprehensive global capital standard for insurance supervision, the Insurance Capital Standard (ICS), providing a risk-based measure of capital adequacy for internationally active insurance groups (IAIGs).
The Senate Select Committee has presented its report on the "Impact of Climate Risk on Insurance Premiums and Availability" that contains recommendations that seek to address the immediate challenges of insurance unaffordability arising from climate risk, while providing longer-term solutions for communities.
Introducing climate insurance products for disaster-vulnerable communities, their livelihoods and infrastructure represents the cornerstone of climate risk mitigation policy, indicated Mr Hamza Haroon, regional director for South Asia of the Climate Vulnerable Forum - Vulnerable 20 (CVF-V20).
The impact of recent legislative changes that have made climate disclosure mandatory in Australia will be wide-ranging, according to Xceedance, which provides insurance-focused consulting, technology, operations and data solutions. Businesses are being encouraged to prepare for the likely impact.
Despite increasing premiums, the profitability of home insurance has declined significantly with many insurers and underwriters making substantial losses, according to a discussion paper released by The Australian Institute, an independent public policy think tank. The Institute which has offices in Canberra, Hobart, Melbourne and Adelaide