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Jun 2024

Brunei marks EAIC Day by creating more awareness on financial literacy

Source: Asia Insurance Review | Dec 2019

The Brunei Insurance & Takaful Association (BITA) celebrated EAIC Insurance day on 18th October 2019. Recognising the importance of financial literacy and awareness, the industry launched an awareness video aimed at helping the general public understand how insurance and takaful could be one of the vehicles in managing finance and risk.
The event was initiated by the Chairman of BITA, with Managing Director of Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam (AMBD) as the guest of honour. To commemorate insurance & takaful day, BITA invited the general public to participate in quizzes in which travel vouchers were gifted to the winners. 
Aside from awarding the participants, the aim of the quiz was to enhance public’s knowledge on insurance and takaful by encouraging participants to visit booths set up by Members of BITA in order to seek answers to the quiz questions. Each BITA Members prepared games and goodies pack to further lighten the event, aiming to offer the public an enjoyable day. 
BITA also invited automotive dealers to showcase safety features such as airbags, while the BITA booth showcased material on Motor Claim Guidelines (MCG) and the process for an individual to become an insurance / takaful agent. On top of that, a blood donation drive was held as part of the event. A 
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