
Read the latest edition of AIR and MEIR as an Interactive e-book

May 2016


Think Tank - The Geneva Association: Perspectives on Consolidation in Insurance: "More on the inside view"

Given that integration costs and plans in an M&A are initially formulated with limited information, it is not uncommon that the initial estimates for both time and costs may prove to be incorrect. In this extract from The Geneva Papers, we learn how certain best practices can be developed to limit the gap.

Legal Page - Preserving privilege following a data breach

As the risk of legal and regulatory claims arising from data breaches grow, protecting and claiming privilege over these sensitive reports and findings will be critical in protecting a company's interests.

Regulation Focus - Changes in paradise: How new Bermudan regulation will affect Hong Kong insurers

A combination of low tax rates, good business support infrastructure and light-touch regulation makes Bermuda an attractive off-shore location for insurers in Hong Kong and elsewhere in Asia. However, some of this is about to change and insurers need to act quickly.

Agriculture Focus - Can agriculture insurance keep up with climate change?

Climate change and recent weather phenomenon are wreaking havoc on the agriculture industry across the globe. We take a look at how the nations of Asia are securing the livelihoods of their farmers and the future of the world's food supply.

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Corporate Governance - Good corporate governance and ethical culture: Is it a choice or dilemma?

A good corporate governance process should allow people to decide to make the right decision and the company's structure and culture should guide that process along.

Cyber Risks - Mitigating against cyber attacks amid the growing threat in Singapore

At least a third of global organisations are not confident they can detect sophisticated cyber attacks. In Singapore, the government looks towards multi-party effort to mitigate these attacks.

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Cyber Risks - Time to wake up to the risks of cyber crime

Cyber-dependency will be one of the most important trends shaping global development over the next 10 years. Yet businesses are only just waking up to the technological risks involved.

Book Review: Managing Cyber Risk in the Financial Sector

Lessons from Asia, Europe and the USA Edited by Professor Ruth Taplin By Chia Wan Fen

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Data Focus - Use of data for product development in insurance - Present and future

Data is everything in today's world. We look at the necessity of structured and unstructured data in product development.

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